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News of straight seaweed, the oyster sale end
Straight seaweed, oyster
  News of the sale end
Patronage usually has the city which is JF north rough sea Hill
Thank you very much.
I finish straight seaweed, oyster sale.
News of the sale end of the straight seaweed
The straight seaweed which is distinguished for resistance to the teeth
You have the straight seaweed of this year already
Would it become?
The seaweed of this year begins on February 1
Ryoshi finished gain, too.
Please wait until crop time of the next year.
News of the sale end of the unshelled oyster
I finished the favorite one, sale of the oyster.
The season of the rock kid comes over.
I will tell you as soon as it is received.
The season of the natural sea bream comes over.
I will tell you as soon as I land it.
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
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