Event information
Event introduction
News of the new seaweed Festival & oyster Festival holding

New seaweed Festival & oyster Festival
Held news
The date: Saturday, February 8, 2020, 9th Sunday
Time: 9:00-13:00 (rain or shine)
A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
(ministry of Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23)
One bag of for each 300 yen
Normal price 900 yen
Special price 1kg700 Japanese yen
10:00 ...
I sell it from 1 kan 100 yen
11:00 ...
Free the first 1,000 people-limited
I draw lots because of a purchase 1,500 yen or more once
The first class fairy cycle
I wait for the second class whirling current (about 5 kg)
The third class size Narumi sea bream (about 1.7 kg)
Unshelled oysters (about 2 kg) such as 4
◎Taimeshi, fried oyster, a fish fry "north rough sea fishermen's cooperative association woman part"
◎Fried oyster "meimonchogyokyoetsusuisan"
◎Fresh vegetables
◎A meat roll rice ball leaves the nest; fried chicken
"dekopon garden"
◎A barbecued chicken, ika skewer, a cow skewer "are elegant"
◎Yakisoba "junkie funky"
◎Knife sale & knife grind "Sakoda knife"
Knife grind one 660 yen ...
(please bring a kitchen knife)
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
News of the spring sea bream Festival holding

Spring sea bream Festival
Held news
The date: Saturday, April 20, 2019
Time: From 9:00 to 13:00 (rainy weather decisive action)
A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
(ministry of Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23)
I sell it on the spot with a beach level
9:00 ...
[free cooking until three pieces of lowering]
※A sellout is too unpleasant to accept
Free the first 1,000 people-limited
10:00 ...
I sell it from 1 kan 100 yen
(I wait for prawns tuna Thailand, a salmon, the whirling current)
※A sellout is too unpleasant to accept
11:00 ...
[hit whirling current story, etc.]
It is drawn lots because of a purchase more than 1,500 yen once
The first class LCD television
The second class fairy cycle
Natural Naruto sea bream and others such as 3
(assorted luxurious fresh fish)
◎Taimeshi, a fish fry "north rough sea fishermen's cooperative association woman part"
◎Chipped ice, French fries "dekopon garden"
◎Demonstration sale! Specialty of Tokushima
Hot from the oven! Fried tubular fish meat "sawa"
◎Mackerel stick sushi [Fujiya food]
French fries "dekopon garden"
◎Knife sale & knife grind "Sakoda knife"
Knife grind one 500 yen ...
(please bring a kitchen knife)
◎Other majority branches
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
News of the new seaweed Festival & oyster Festival holding
New seaweed Festival & oyster Festival
Held news
The date: Saturday, February 16, 2019, 17th Sunday
Time: 9:00-13:00 (rain or shine)
A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
(ministry of Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23)
One bag of for each 300 yen
Normal price 900 yen
Special price 1kg700 Japanese yen
10:00 ...
I sell it from 1 kan 100 yen
11:00 ...
Free the first 1,000 people-limited
I draw lots because of a purchase 1,500 yen or more once
The first class fairy cycle
I wait for the second class whirling current (about 5 kg)
The third class size Narumi sea bream (about 1.7kg1.7)
Unshelled oysters (about 2 kg) such as 4
◎Taimeshi, fried oyster, a fish fry "north rough sea fishermen's cooperative association woman part"
◎Fried oyster "meimonchogyokyoetsusuisan"
◎Fresh vegetables
◎Demonstration sale! Specialty of Tokushima
Hot from the oven! Fried tubular fish meat "sawa"
◎Leave the nest; deep-fried chicken, Frankfurt,
French fries "dekopon garden"
◎Knife sale & knife grind "Sakoda knife"
Knife grind one 500 yen ...
(please bring a kitchen knife)
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
Autumn festival fair held news
Autumn festival fair
We compare by comparing by eating, and drinking, and let's compete in taste!
We compare by comparing by eating, and drinking, and let's compete in taste!
The date and time: Saturday, October 20, 2018
From 10:00 to 14:00 (rainy weather decisive action)
A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
★I compare by eating (free)
From 10:00 to 14:00 (rainy weather decisive action)
A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
★I compare by eating (free)
I leave the nest and try to be you, and the nature waits
※It is finished as soon as I disappear.
★I compare by eating (three kinds)
Local ramen
Leave the nest; indigo plant, mimakara
※It is finished as soon as I disappear.
★I compare by drinking
・Local brew
・Local brew
・A la carte of the local brew
※It is finished as soon as I disappear.
★Behavior stew (free)
The first 300 people
・Local vegetables morning market
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
The news that is held on "large Thanksgiving Day" of the seventh anniversary
Memory of the seventh anniversary
The news that is held on large Thanksgiving Day
I appreciate everyday patronage and hold it.
The date and time: Saturday, July 14, 2018
From 9:00 to 12:00 (rainy weather decisive action)
※In the case of a typhoon, I cancel it
(it is sold out, and I'm sorry)
A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
★Fresh fish spot sale
I do bargain sale at the risk of losing money.
Prawns, pike conger, ground dako, cuttlefish, horse mackerel
Thailand, young yellowtail, crepe, raw whitebait
Bonito, rock kid, turban shell, large clams
★Somen with cold seaweed
The first 200 people (free)
★I save raw whitebait and take it
It is 1 scoop 300 yen with both hands
(less than junior high student) 150 yen
※It is sold out, and I'm sorry)
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
The news that is held on large Thanksgiving Day
I appreciate everyday patronage and hold it.
The date and time: Saturday, July 14, 2018
From 9:00 to 12:00 (rainy weather decisive action)
※In the case of a typhoon, I cancel it
(it is sold out, and I'm sorry)
A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
★Fresh fish spot sale
I do bargain sale at the risk of losing money.
Prawns, pike conger, ground dako, cuttlefish, horse mackerel
Thailand, young yellowtail, crepe, raw whitebait
Bonito, rock kid, turban shell, large clams
★Somen with cold seaweed
The first 200 people (free)
★I save raw whitebait and take it
It is 1 scoop 300 yen with both hands
(less than junior high student) 150 yen
※It is sold out, and I'm sorry)
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
News of the spring sea bream Festival holding

News of the spring sea bream Festival holding
Seasonal nature Naruto sea bream of the cherry tree
Sorry to have kept you waiting.
I can never overlook it.
Two major events of the JF north rough sea fish city
Please enjoy one "spring sea bream Festival" of this.
The date and time: April 241 Saturday
From 9:30 to 13:00 (rainy weather decisive action)
A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
★North rough sea, natural Naruto sea bream
I sell it on the spot with a beach level
"Cooking is free until three pieces of lowering"
9:00 - sellout noodles
★Behavior stew of the fisherman
The first 1,000 people (free)
★"Close katsu"; the nigiri-zushi of the fisherman
"I wait for prawns, a tuna, Thailand, a salmon, the whirling current"
I sell it from 1 kan 100 yen
10:00 ... (it is sold out, and I'm sorry)
★Dismantling show of the tuna
11:00 ...
★Blankless lot
"Once lottery because of a purchase more than 1,500 yen"
The first class LCD television
The second class fairy cycle
Assorted natural sea bream and others luxurious fresh fish such as 3
★Toyoko Takase songs and ballads show
11:30 ... "bit music whirling current story, etc."
Branch sale
◎Taimeshi, sea bream grilled with salt, fish fry
"A north rough sea fishermen's cooperative association woman part"
◎Sea bream Nyumen, fried vertical bamboo tubular fish meat
◎Mackerel stick sushi
"Fujiya food"
◎Fresh vegetables
◎Leave the nest; fried chicken and others
"dekopon garden"
◎I polish knife sale & knife
"Sakoda knife"
Knife grind one 500 yen
Please bring a kitchen knife.
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
News of the fried tubular fish meat free trial
News of the fried tubular fish meat free trial
Special product bamboo tubular fish meat of Tokushima
Anyone can experience it.
I challenge a fried tubular fish meat in parent and child
The date and time: Saturday, March 24, 2018
Experience-based time
A copy: 9:30 ...
Part 2: 10:20 ...
Part 3: 11:10 ...
A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
Capacity: 30 (to each ten parts)
Work menu
①It is fish nosurimiotsukemasu to bamboo.
②It is sultry
③I bake it
④I will try it
The experience-based receptionist is the day
I accept it.
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
Report of the harvest of seaweeds experience
Report of the harvest of seaweeds experience
March 4, 2018 (a day)
2:00 p.m. ...◆A place: North rough sea fishermen's cooperative association Awata branch
(Kitanadachoawata, Naruto-shi character east 2-8, Hoji)
◆13 participants
◆Experience-based contents
・Harvest of seaweeds experience
・Seaweed shabu-shabu
State of the experience
The first "harvest of seaweeds experience"
A seaweed stem boiled in sweetened soy sauce, a leaf, a seaweed how
Are you brought up?
Eagerly to hear explanation seaweed from a rope
I did work to cut.
"Seaweed of Naruto" which I harvested
I try it with shabu-shabu.
It is experience-based contents of the madegakono business.
As model business of the promotion of food education, the local production for local consumption
I finished business.
Local delicious ingredients know it, and they are sat on by many people
Importance of the meal
If you can come to like ingredients
I think that friendship of the happiness of the dining table spreads.
From JF north rough sea fish city
News of the harvest of seaweeds experience
Harvest of seaweeds experience
It is news of this
This business receives trust from Tokushima,
It is food education, local production for local consumption promotion model business utilized the function of the direct sale place.
Characteristic of the seaweed of Naruto
One, Naruto Whirlpools of three major tides of the world.
I assumed it the waist waist of "the seaweed of Naruto"
The good resistance to the teeth and flavor,
I was brought up in such an environment.
"Naruto seaweed" characterized by the bright green
◆The date: Sunday, March 4
2:00 p.m. ...
◆A place: North rough sea fishermen's cooperative association Awata branch
(Kitanadachoawata, Naruto-shi character east 2-8, Hoji)
◆An entrance fee: Free of charge
◆Capacity: Ten (first-come-first-served basis)
※I should finish acceptance as soon as it becomes the capacity.
◆Experience-based contents
Special product of Naruto-shi
From the crop of "the Naruto seaweed" to sorting work
・Harvest of seaweeds experience
・Seaweed shabu-shabu
※The city which is JF north rough sea Hill if you have any questions
Please contact a reference.
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
It is 088-683-8137 TEL
News of 2018 new life seaweeds Festival & oyster Festival

2018 new seaweeds Festival
News of the & oyster Festival
◆The date: Saturday, February 10
Sunday, February 11
From 9:00 to 14:00
(rainy weather decisive action)
◆A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
Event contents
■"Straight seaweed" "seaweed stem boiled in sweetened soy sauce" all-you-can-stuff
One bag of for each 300 yen
■Unshelled oyster
It is usually special price 1kg700 Japanese yen in 1kg900 Japanese yen
■"Close katsu"; the nigiri-zushi of the fisherman
10:00 ...
1 kan 100 yen - sale
■Dismantling show of the tuna
11:00 ...
■Behavior stew of the fisherman (free)
The first 1,000 people
■Blankless lot
It is drawn lots because of a purchase more than 1,500 yen once
The first class fairy cycle
I wait for the second class whirling current (approximately 5 kg)
Third class size Narumi sea bream (approximately 1.7 kg)
Unshelled oysters (2 kg) such as 4
(2 cooks the third class fresh fish.)
■Branch sale
* Oyster meal, fried oyster, fish fry
[north rough sea fishermen's cooperative association woman part]
* Fried oyster [meimongyokyoetsusuisan]
* Fresh vegetables [farmhouse of north Nada-cho]
* Kakiage in the naruto iron
* Is with a hand baking leek, and roll it; other [sawa]
* Salt [Yamada salting shop] of Naruto
* I polish knife sale & knife [Sakoda knife]
Knife grind one 500 yen
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill if you have any questions
Please contact a reference.
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
It is 088-683-8137 TEL
News of 2017 fishery experience-based enforcement
News of 2017 fishery experience-based enforcement
Under recruitment of participants!
This business is food education, local production for local consumption promotion model business utilized the function of the direct sale place.
In the city which is JF north rough sea Hill,
To have primary industrial fishing fishing be interested in interest, a fish; in 2017,
I receive trust from Tokushima and carry out a fishery experience
■The date and time: Friday, November 17
10:00 ...
■A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
(Kitanadachooura fishing port)
■An entrance fee: Free of charge
■A target person: More than a primary schoolchild
(the small, the junior high student is accompanied by a protector)
■Capacity: 15 people
■A thing to prepare:
Clothes, warmth worth clothes, the work gloves which may become dirty
The bait of the young yellowtail and re-experience (I may cancel it by weather.)
About a menu in case of the cancellation
The making of working visit, lure of the fisherman
※I close it as soon as it becomes the capacity.
Thank you for your understanding.
Application method
■From JF north rough sea fish city homepage experience-based application
After filling out a necessary matter, please reply.
URL, http//www.jf-kitanada .com
■Application by the FAX
The city which is F north rough sea Hill
TEL/FAX. 088-683-8137
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill if you have any questions
Please contact a reference.
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
It is 088-683-8137 TEL
※You can see the details about the fishery experience from this
News of 2017 fishery experience-based enforcement
News of 2017 fishery experience-based enforcement
Under recruitment of participants!
This business is food education, local production for local consumption promotion model business utilized the function of the direct sale place.
In the city which is JF north rough sea Hill,
To have primary industrial fishing fishing be interested in interest, a fish; in 2017,
I receive trust from Tokushima and carry out a fishery experience
■The date and time: Friday, November 17
10:00 ...
■A place: The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
(Kitanadachooura fishing port)
■An entrance fee: Free of charge
■A target person: More than a primary schoolchild
(the small, the junior high student is accompanied by a protector)
■Capacity: 15 people
■A thing to prepare:
Clothes, warmth worth clothes, the work gloves which may become dirty
The bait of the young yellowtail and re-experience (I may cancel it by weather.)
About a menu in case of the cancellation
The making of working visit, lure of the fisherman
※I close it as soon as it becomes the capacity.
Thank you for your understanding.
Application method
■From JF north rough sea fish city homepage experience-based application
After filling out a necessary matter, please reply.
URL, http//www.jf-kitanada .com
■Application by the FAX
The city which is F north rough sea Hill
TEL/FAX. 088-683-8137
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill if you have any questions
Please contact a reference.
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
It is 088-683-8137 TEL
※You can see the details about the fishery experience from this
News of the way of judging, how to eat 2017 fish classroom enforcement
Way of judging, how to eat 2017 fish classroom
Under recruitment of experients!
This business is food education, local production for local consumption promotion model business utilized the function of the direct sale place.
In the city which is JF north rough sea Hill,
Pleasure to know the fish, the pleasure of the meal, pleasure to make
To have all of you know it
In 2017, I receive trust from Tokushima to have you be interested in fishing fishing
It led to enforcement.
■The date and time: Sunday, November 19
10:00 ...
■A place: Awata fishermen's association cookhouse
■An entrance fee: Free of charge
■A target person: More than a high school student
■Capacity: 12 people
■A thing to prepare:
Apron, gloves, clothes, the boots which may become dirty
I take down a seasonal fish.
I make it to assorted sashimi.
Can make a fish into the one where you have not touched
I do it.
※I close it as soon as it becomes the capacity.
Thank you for your understanding.
Application method
■From JF north rough sea fish city homepage experience-based application
After filling out a necessary matter, please reply.
URL, http//www.jf-kitanada .com
■Application by the FAX
The city which is F north rough sea Hill
TEL/FAX. 088-683-8137
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill if you have any questions
Please contact a reference.
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
It is 088-683-8137 TEL
2017 north rough sea shiosai MARCHE

North rough sea shiosai MARCHE
[the date]
Saturday, October 7, 2017
From 10:00 to 14:00
※In the case of rainy weather, a strong wind, I cancel it
[place] Ministry of JF north rough sea fish city Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23
[guidance of the event open space]
★Seto Junior High School music club
★NARUTO overall pattern area gym
Kids dance
★Katsuura-cho puppy love club
★Toyoko Takase songs and ballads show
[introduction of branch contents]
★North rough sea farmhouse / vegetables
★Treasure tofu / tofu cake, doughnut, wasabi tofu
★JA Tokushima north woman part / sekihan, rice dumpling covered with bean jam, pickle
★mori*yo / baked potato
★Octopus God / takoyaki
★porepore / handicraft miscellaneous goods
★Strawberry shop / children's clothes, handmade miscellaneous goods
★Handmade studio Totoro / wooden goods, miscellaneous goods
★Shanti/ aroma
★Cocco/ miscellaneous goods
★NPO corporation Tokushima person with a disability providing work support meeting
/ sweet roll potato
Fried kizobanado
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
It is 088-683-8137 TEL
The seafood classroom which is in love
The seafood classroom which is in love
◎Delicious dishes are meal berarereru
◎The fish's way of judging and the skill up of dishes!
◎A wonderful encounter, partner are found?
Reception desk 15:30
From 16:00 to 19:00
[place] Ministry of JF north rough sea fish city Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23
[object] It is almost 35-year-old single man and woman from 25 years old
[capacity] 20 (in the case of a lot of ※ application s a first-come-first-served basis)
[entrance fee] 2,000 yen
★Self-introduction time
★The fish's way of judging classroom
★Dishes using the seasonal fish
★Arrangement competitive show
★Dinner, chat time
The association of Naruto-shi young man society secretariat
<Naruto-shi Board of Education lifelong learning section human rights inside of a section>
It is 088-686-8807 TEL
News of the 2017 spring sea bream festival
News of 2017 spring sea breams Festival
[schedule] Saturday, April 22, 2017
[time] 9: 00-13 00 (rainy weather decisive action):
[place] Ministry of JF north rough sea fish city Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23
★I sell it on the spot with north rough sea, nature Tainohama, Naruto value
"It is free until three pieces of lowering"
※It should be finished as soon as it is sold out because of a favorable reception.
9:00 ... ★"Close katsu"; the nigiri-zushi of the fisherman
(prawns tuna Thailand salmon)
10:00 ...
※It should be finished as soon as it is sold out because of a favorable reception.
★Dismantling show of the tuna
11:00 ...
★Behavior stew of the fisherman (free)
The first 1,000 people
★Lot without the blank
It is drawn lots because of a purchase more than 1,500 yen once
The first class LCD television
The second class fairy cycle
I wait for the third class whirling current (approximately 4 kg)
Natural Naruto sea breams (approximately 1 kg) such as 3
◎Foods grilled with salt, the fish fry "north rough sea fishermen's cooperative association woman part" of taimeshi, the sea bream
◎rinaruchuruudon with Naruto seaweed
Handmade tuna and burger, pork tenderloin cutlet burger et al. "sawa"
News of 2017 seaweeds Festival & oyster Festival

News of 2017 seaweeds Festival & oyster Festival
[schedule] Saturday, February 18, 2017
[time] 9: 00-14 00 (rainy weather decisive action):
[place] Ministry of JF north rough sea fish city Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23
★"Straight seaweed" "seaweed stem boiled in sweetened soy sauce" all-you-can-stuff
One bag of 300 yen
★Unshelled oyster normal 1kg900 Japanese yen
Special price 1kg700 Japanese yen
★"Close katsu"; the nigiri-zushi of the fisherman
10:00 ...
※It should be finished as soon as it is sold out because of a favorable reception.
★Dismantling show of the tuna
11:00 ...
★Behavior stew of the fisherman (free)
The first 1,000 people
★Lot without the blank
It is drawn lots because of a purchase more than 1,500 yen once
The first class fairy cycle
I wait for the second class whirling current (approximately 4.5 kg)
Third class size Narumi sea bream (approximately 1.7 kg)
An oyster meal, a fried oyster "north rough sea fishermen's cooperative association woman part"
Fried oyster "meimonchogyokyoetsusuisan"
A fresh vegetables "farmhouse of north Nada-cho"
Chicken sky with line green string lettuce, chicken tempura bowl and others "sawa"
Mackerel stick sushi "Fujiya food"
A lot of fun looks forward to a visit. Any questions gaarima
To the city which is JF north rough sea Hill if I do it
There might be the congestion a parking lot.
Please use the temporary parking lot of the schoolyard out of the former north rough sea.
News of 2016 north rough sea shiosai MARCHE
News of 2016 north rough sea shiosai MARCHE
[schedule] Monday, October 10, 2016
[time] From 10:00 to 14:00 (rainy weather decisive action)
※In the case of a typhoon, in the case of cancellation, a strong wind, it is north rough sea Junior High School (former)
I hold it at a ground.
[place] Ministry of JF north rough sea fish city Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23
[contents] Vegetables of a local farming family, fried food, tempura of the fish of the JF north rough sea woman part
The ice of nado Kochi comes, too.
It is ... in a cafe in a breath (relaxation time). Aroma hand Tolly
I please tomento. I look forward to your coming.
You eat a location of port town Nara one cup of stomach, and enjoy it,
I can have.
[process] The kitanada sea station JF north rough sea fish city "cheerful community improvement"
I plan "north rough sea shiosai MARCHE" as business to support and am better
ta. Many of you and contact, turnout, smile overflow, happiness
Vigor afu of the fishing port wanting you to spend full time
reru image became the form.
A lot of fun looks forward to a visit. Any questions gaarima
To the city which is JF north rough sea Hill if I do it
There might be the congestion a parking lot.
Please use the temporary parking lot of the schoolyard out of the former north rough sea.
News of 2016 Marine Day festivals

2016 Marine Day festivals
[schedule] Saturday, July 23, 2016
[time] From 09:00 to 14:00 (rainy weather decisive action)
※In the case of a typhoon, I cancel it
[place] Ministry of JF north rough sea fish city Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23
★Fresh fish direct sale 9:00 ...
A firstling! I leave the nest and release a young yellowtail
It is finished as soon as it is sold out
※I cook it until three pieces of lowering free.
★Bait spear experience 12:00 ... of the parent and child experience plan young yellowtail
◎The first 30 people
◎Time in: 11:30 ...
◎An entrance fee: Free of charge
※It may be called off by weather. Thank you for your understanding beforehand.
★It is seized the sea eel
Start time: 9:00 ...
An entrance fee: Pay (I will tell you as soon as I am selected by current price market price)
A target person: To a sixth grader
★Sea eel tempura 9:00 ...
Of the popularity
I fry it and sell vertical burning hot o.
★Blankless lot (more than 1,500 because of a purchase once)
The very popular prize leaves the first class fairy cycle 2; electric fans such as young yellowtail (approximately 4 kg) 3
I cook it. Please get a prize with effort.
Event introduction
◎Performance 10:30 ... by the Seto Junior High School music club
◎Toyoko Takase songs and ballads show (copy) 9:30 ... (two copies) 11:00 ...
◎Awa Folk Dance "honaken ream" 13:00 ...
★Branch sale 9:00 ...
A kakiage, fish fry and others "north rough sea fishermen's cooperative association woman part" of prawnsIs produced north rough sea morning; a fresh vegetables city
Popsicle "sawa" of the soft and fluffy Snow ice (Taiwanese chipped ice), first sound of the wooden clappers citron
Mackerel stick sushi "Fujiya food"
A lot of fun looks forward to a visit.
If you have any questions, to the city which is JF north rough sea Hill
There might be the congestion a parking lot.
Please use the temporary parking lot of the schoolyard out of the former north rough sea.
Whimsical photocontest of the Station manager named naru
Whimsical photocontest of the first Station manager named naru
Application rule
Until application period from June 1, 2016 to June 30
I post whether the store of the application method JF north rough sea fish city has it on the secretariat of tyrannical essential point mention from mail or the homepage
I announce the examination result in the examination announcement homepage
For more information about a photocontest from this
News of 2016 spring sea breams Festival
Spring sea bream Festival
[schedule] Saturday, April 23, 2016
[time] From 09:00 to 14:00 (rainy weather decisive action)
[place] Ministry of JF north rough sea fish city Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23
★The delicious seasonal arrival of the natural sea bream!
It is ... with north rough sea, natural Tainohama, Naruto value at spot sale 9:00
※Cooking is free until three pieces of lowering
★Fish notsukamidori 9:00 ...
"Limit existence at time to free of charge, a sixth grader"
★One push! Popular nigiri-zushi
"I close katsu" and sell it from nigiri-zushi "1 kan 100 yen" of the fisherman!
★Blankless lot (more than 1,500 because of a purchase once)
As for the very popular prize, the first class fairy cycle second class whirling current waits (approximately 4 kg); natural Naruto sea breams (approximately 1 kg) such as 3
I cook it. Please get a prize with effort.
★I nail it from 11:30 and prepare for the event only in the fish city including "a tuna dismantling show".
★I offer a behavior stew of the fisherman only in the first 1,000 people free.
Please enjoy warmly seasonal taste only by this time.
★Branch sale
Is produced taimeshi, fish fry mackerel sushi, baked potato, north rough sea morning; a fresh city
There might be the congestion a parking lot.
Please use the temporary parking lot of the schoolyard out of the former north rough sea.
kitanada sea station
Commemorative ceremony & JF north rough sea fish city store reopening event
[schedule] Saturday, November 21, 2015
[time] From 09:00 to 15:00 (rainy weather decisive action)
[place] Ministry of JF north rough sea fish city Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23
"I close katsu" and sell it from nigiri-zushi "1 kan 100 yen" of the fisherman!
It transfixes the child from "rice cake arm throw" to be able to enjoy and 11:00 and prepares for the event only by the open event including "a tuna dismantling show".
I offer a behavior stew of the fisherman only in the first 1,000 people free.
Please enjoy warmly seasonal taste only by this time.
New seaweed Festival & oyster Festival
New seaweed Festival & oyster Festival
[schedule] Saturday, February 13, 2016, 14th Sunday
[time] From 09:00 to 14:00 (rainy weather decisive action)
[place] Ministry of JF north rough sea fish city Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23
One push! How!
"I close katsu" and sell it from nigiri-zushi "1 kan 100 yen" of the fisherman!
★Blankless lot (more than 1,500 because of a purchase once)
Third class size Narumi sea breams (approximately 1.7 kg) that it is it since the last the first class fairy cycle 2 tokitanadasankatsu as for the very popular prize (approximately 5 kg)
I cook it. Please get a prize with effort.
★I nail it from 11:00 and prepare for the event only in the fish city including "a tuna dismantling show".
I offer a behavior stew of the fisherman only in the first 1,000 people free.
Please enjoy warmly seasonal taste only by this time.
Sold out pardon! I sell a seasonal fish on the spot at a beach level price! I hold the city "morning market" which is JF north rough sea Hill.
JF north rough sea fish city March morning market news
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
I sell a seasonal fish on the spot at a beach level price! The holding of "the morning market!"
[schedule] Saturday, March 12, 2016
[time] From 08:00
[place] Ministry of JF north rough sea fish city Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23
Sold out pardon!
A red snapper, an oyster, straight wamake et al. (there is contents change by weather.)
The morning market of the every month second city which is JF north rough sea Hill on Saturday! I look forward.
JF north rough sea fish city December morning market news
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
I sell a seasonal fish on the spot at a beach level price! The holding of "the morning market!"
[schedule] Saturday, December 12, 2015
[time] From 08:00
[place] Ministry of JF north rough sea fish city Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23
Sold out pardon!
I leave the nest, and a yellowtail and a red snapper, a sea bass, circle bush clover, mica, tension cuttlefish and others, seasonal fish form a line!
The morning market of the every month second city which is JF north rough sea Hill on Saturday! I look forward.
The city which is JF north rough sea Hill
I sell a seasonal fish on the spot at a beach level price! The holding of "the morning market!"
[schedule] Saturday, November 14, 2015
[time] From 08:00
[place] Ministry of JF north rough sea fish city Kitanadachoshukumodani, Naruto-shi character ka valley 23
Sold out pardon!
I leave the nest, and a yellowtail and a red snapper, a sea bass, circle bush clover, a kind of leatherfish bush clover, tension cuttlefish and others, seasonal fish form a line!
The morning market of the every month second city which is JF north rough sea Hill on Saturday! I look forward.