Room of the Station manager named naru
Willful blog of the stationmaster
The stationmaster article that Tokushima Shimbun "Naru"
To stationmaster fans to become
A tattered cat appeared before me suddenly on September 2, 2015.
When this becomes, it is the beginning of my story.
It was tattered so as not to be able to take care when I did not wear gloves,
Is attracted from the day when met you when become by something, even on a holiday every day in the workplace
Go to see a state of becoming, and even the inner job is home, but 24 hours together
I came to spend time.
It became my ordinary everyday life by all means, but was together.
Relax before naruha, stationmaster appointment by oneself on the roof of the cat hut for the handmade outside
Become, by word of mouth with "=^_^=‼ needing a cute cat"
While do not know it, become a popular person, and is proud at all of the stationmaster look of becoming; the proud best
I transformed myself into a cat of this.
With November pneumonia asthmatic as for such life in complete change, August, 2017 in heat stroke, October
Physical condition was not good and took every treatment,
naruha passed away on January 23, 2018.
After when the convalescence of illness was not good, on a medical examination on November 17, I was announced
When I went nowhere, and it was a holiday all the time, I spent time together.
As for four days before dying, I am absent by work and grasp a hand of becoming every night,
Clench my hand tightly back though it becomes,
Hug ninaruoippaiippai on the last fourth day on a holiday; and last moments
I nursed you.
"Please it is toiu peacefully peacefully without suffering
God of the sky took my wish.
Become, was peaceful.
Becoming stationmaster fans to become, but having been the days of fight against illness,
I sincerely apologize for not having been able to report it in various ways.
There is not readily the rearranging of the feeling during a fight against illness, without tears
Because I was not able to talk, I was not able to report it without becoming the words.
It became, but, from the early days when I appeared, watched it in a shadow all the time
He/she loved it, and thank you for Eriko, naruo.
To the city which is a slope to meet if it becomes, everyone, of the stationmaster fan named others
Really thank you very much for having you go to visit it.
The customer who was not able to readily meet if it becomes is a wound excuse by physical condition recovery
There is not it.
Time to put back the treasure which he/she gave me from the sky to the sky seems to have come.
Having been able to meet the best child in my person New Year's flower arrangement cats,
Becoming, but having given infinite attractiveness, healing of the cat,
Much happiness that became, but gave me on a chest,
If I can repay kindness of a cat closed with a thread of last me and fate from now on
I think of this.
Thank you for your ♡ named ♡ which I cannot help loving.
I love it.
Than manager Nakase
News of the stationmaster vacation to become